Thursday, December 12, 2019

Technology 3 Submariens

This week's theme is technology, technology is virtually anything that makes life easier. On a global scale, subs from different countries are always applying more technology. For example, The german subs are using Air Independent Propulsion(AIP) submarines. Now the US is taking its invention and making it faster. these submarines are going at top speed or 23 miles an hour, the U.S is making them go even faster at 35 miles an hour.  The submarines that are built by the U.S. have to be better technology than the germans but the germans are getting better by the day.

I had looked at a website from Britannica about the AIP submarines and what they are and I found this.

"This is an important improvement because during so long a period sea conditions can easily arise that would allow a submarine to escape or force submarine hunters on the surface to disperse, but the development of "air-independent propulsion" (AIP) using fuel cells has brought even greater improvement. Some AIP-capable submarines, equipped with fuel cells that use stored hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity, are said to be able to operate at low speeds underwater for as long as a month."

If the US continues AIP advancements, we can move beyond Germany and maintain the mor=st formable navy in the world. The technological advances should not be limited to the AIP system, but could also apply to other areas of the military including ground troops. For example, home devices, on their helmet cams could change the way people sing off the KIA. It could stop and prevent most KIA's if the soldiers could track each other and possibly prevent a life or death situation.

Image result for aip submarine

AIP Sub. National Interest, Center for the National Interest , 10 Nov. 2018,
     5-most-deadly-stealthy-aip-submarines-planet-earth-35767. Accessed 12 Dec.

1 comment:

  1. How important is submarine warfare/technology in this time period? Is it still used a lot?


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