Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Social Meda 2

This week I watched a TED talk, that focused on Social media. The main idea of this talk is that People are creating adds and clickbait to collect people's information.  One idea that I found was "Clickbait". Clickbait is when the computer finds similar ads based on your search history. For example, I was searching for an x box on amazon, and the next day I had a tone of adds pop up about, Xbox,wiiu;s, and PlayStations. other times these ads can be very irrelevant to what I have been looking for. I can see why some people can like these ads because it's an easier way to look for something without motivation or extra work. Personly I believe that this is very annoying and a waste of the developer's technology. Clickbait can have a bad reputation on their technology because when they advertise. "no ads", it's almost like they can't control what is transmitted onto their piece of technology, therefore mack less and fewer consumers want to collect.

The effects of advertisements to younger people really make them bg their parents to by a lot of stuff off the internet, leading them to spend more money and exposing the to viruses to there banking acct.

1 comment:

  1. Did the TED talk focus on the dangers of click bait and how people's information is tracked? What was the name of the TED talk that you watched?


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