Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Computer Car

Today I read an article about the technology behind the late 2000’s car vs a late 1900’s car. I found it interesting because all the cars made now are all computers and the cars that are made in the 1900s are just parts put together. The cars that are built from the computers are more unreliable because the cars that have ECU’s if one fails the whole car fails. The cars that are made from just parts are more enjoyable to own because if one part fails you can just replace it and have it on the road again instead of having it sit in a shop hooked up to computers downloading data. 

For example, I was talking to some people who got a brand new car and they were talking about how when the guy was driving the new car, the gas pedal just was unresponsive and the car kept going even when the guy hit the break. The ECU that controls the transmission system must have broken down and therefore malfunctioning. In the late 1900’s car if the gas pedal got stuck, or did not respond to all you would have to do is take it out of gear and just e brake it to slow down the car. 

In a 2020 car if that happened, and you put it out of gear, the gear would grind or strip and would break other components. If you freaked out and tried to shut off the car, there goes you steering too. 
I found an article about how a guy had purchased a 2017 Dodge charger and months down the read the transmission ECU had fried because of computer failure.  Carcomplaintes.com

Another example I found was A guy had a 2016 Volkswagen that had all the computers fail in it and the guy was not able to drive anymore. 

In summary, I am the type of guy to own an old car and not have to worry about being able to afford a newer car then have all my money go down the drain just because a computer failed. 

"Complex Car Software Becomes the Weak Spot under the Hood." nytimes.com, David

Gelles, Hiroko Tabuchi and Matthew Dolan, 15 Sept. 2015, www.nytimes.com/


complex-car-software-becomes-the-weak-spot-under-the-hood.html. Accessed 17

Dec. 2019.


carcomplaints.com, Mike, 23 July 2017, www.carcomplaints.com/Dodge/

Charger/2017/transmission/transmission_totally_destroyed.shtml. Accessed 17

     Dec. 2019. 

Image result for under the hood of a 2020 car
2020 car

Image result for under the hood of a 1994 toyota corolla
1900s car

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Technology 3 Submariens

This week's theme is technology, technology is virtually anything that makes life easier. On a global scale, subs from different countries are always applying more technology. For example, The german subs are using Air Independent Propulsion(AIP) submarines. Now the US is taking its invention and making it faster. these submarines are going at top speed or 23 miles an hour, the U.S is making them go even faster at 35 miles an hour.  The submarines that are built by the U.S. have to be better technology than the germans but the germans are getting better by the day.

I had looked at a website from Britannica about the AIP submarines and what they are and I found this.

"This is an important improvement because during so long a period sea conditions can easily arise that would allow a submarine to escape or force submarine hunters on the surface to disperse, but the development of "air-independent propulsion" (AIP) using fuel cells has brought even greater improvement. Some AIP-capable submarines, equipped with fuel cells that use stored hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity, are said to be able to operate at low speeds underwater for as long as a month."

If the US continues AIP advancements, we can move beyond Germany and maintain the mor=st formable navy in the world. The technological advances should not be limited to the AIP system, but could also apply to other areas of the military including ground troops. For example, home devices, on their helmet cams could change the way people sing off the KIA. It could stop and prevent most KIA's if the soldiers could track each other and possibly prevent a life or death situation.

Image result for aip submarine

AIP Sub. National Interest, Center for the National Interest , 10 Nov. 2018,
     5-most-deadly-stealthy-aip-submarines-planet-earth-35767. Accessed 12 Dec.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Social Meda 2

This week I watched a TED talk, that focused on Social media. The main idea of this talk is that People are creating adds and clickbait to collect people's information.  One idea that I found was "Clickbait". Clickbait is when the computer finds similar ads based on your search history. For example, I was searching for an x box on amazon, and the next day I had a tone of adds pop up about, Xbox,wiiu;s, and PlayStations. other times these ads can be very irrelevant to what I have been looking for. I can see why some people can like these ads because it's an easier way to look for something without motivation or extra work. Personly I believe that this is very annoying and a waste of the developer's technology. Clickbait can have a bad reputation on their technology because when they advertise. "no ads", it's almost like they can't control what is transmitted onto their piece of technology, therefore mack less and fewer consumers want to collect.

The effects of advertisements to younger people really make them bg their parents to by a lot of stuff off the internet, leading them to spend more money and exposing the to viruses to there banking acct.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Drone Delivery

This week I read "6 Ways Drone Delivery Could be a Game Changer", which is an article that focuses on ways drone delivery can have its advantages and disadvantages. 

The main idea of the article is, Amazon can have their drones deliver within 30 minutes. I thought it was interesting because if someone was working on a project, and there was a tool missing. They could tap on their phone and the drone could be at their location within 30 minutes. 

It made me wonder if shooting down drones will affect Amazon deliveries and just the common public worries. According to

wdrb.com. A man shot down a drone flying over his house and he got arrested. The pilot claimed he was flying it over his friend's house to take pictures. The public worries about they're privacy the most, therefore they don't want unmanned aircraft with cameras constantly flying over their house. For example, in this case, there where children that were playing in there yard and being recorded at the same time. Who knows who was filming and what they will do with that film.

In later reports of the man arrested, the judge stated that:

“I think it’s credible testimony that his drone was hovering from anywhere, for two or three times over these people’s property, that it was an invasion of their privacy and that they had the right to shoot this drone,” Judge Ward told the courtroom. “And I’m going to dismiss his charge.”

Some of the problems that amazon will face include, invasion of privacy and the rights and actions that people have to protect their privacy. It's hard for most people, except enthusiasts, to spot an official aircraft vs a non-inhabatent aircraft. Therefore arising the issue of fear among most of the public today. 

There are rules about flying a drone around a neighborhood, school or field. But most of those drones are kids or young fathers receiving them for Christmas, birthdays, etc. But there is a difference between kids and companies flying their own drones. yes, the public is supposed to abide by the rules of safe flying, but if we're talking about a big company, investing a tone of money to further reach their success, there should be accommodations made for that specific company. Most of the drones that the public freak out about are the ones that the kids have that malfunction or are flown poorly, that end up crashing or hopping over a fence into another resident's property. Most of Amazon's drones would be flying really high until they reached the destination, so people might not be aware of the drones. Assuming Amazon doesn't want their company at risk after increased flourishing within the past 2 years, they would abide by the special airspace rules that were made and reasons for Amazon. 


Computer Car

Today I read an article about the technology behind the late 2000’s car vs a late 1900’s car. I found it interesting because all the cars ...